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By Jorge Casuso
September 3, 2024 -- A monthly poll of Santa Monica residents interested in public safety found overwhelming support for outlawing sleeping in public with blankets and sleeping bags. The Santa Monica Pulse poll also found respondents were divided about the City's new speed limits that will go into effect on dozens of local streets and political clout wielded by the City's public safety unions. If approved by the Council, the ordinance would remove an exemption in the current law that allows the use of sleeping bags, blankets, pillows and bedrolls in public spaces ("Council Could Make it Harder for Homeless to Sleep in Public Places," August 22, 2024). Eighty-four percent of respondents said they would support the ordinance being considered by members of the Council's pro-law-enforcement Change majority, while 9 percent opposed it and 7 percent weren't sure. The change is among three options proposed by the City Attorney after a June 28 U.S. Supreme Court ruling paved the way for municipalities to penalize the homeless for camping on public land. The poll noted that opponents "argue that outlawing sleeping in public criminalizes homelessness without solving the issue. Supporters, "including business owners and many residents," believe it "would help the community to keep public parks and beaches clean," the poll noted. The poll also gauged support for an ordinance unanimously approved by the Council last month that lowers the speed limit on four dozens stretches of local streets in an effort to curb fatal and serious injury crashes. Forty-seven percent said they support the ordinance, while 42 percent oppose it. The remaining 11 percent were not sure. Recent traffic data compiled by the City's Transportation Department show that fatal and severe injury crashes involving cyclists and pedestrians have increased in each of the past three years ("Rising Number of Pedestrians, Cyclists Killed or Seriously Injured in Santa Monica," August 12, 2024). The poll also found respondents were equally divided over the importance of the endorsements made by Santa Monica's public safety unions in the hotly contested race for four open Council seats. An equal number said the endorsement would not have an impact on their vote, while 12 percent said they are less likely to vote for the endorsed candidates. Late last month, the two unions announced they will throw their hefty warchests into stopping the city's political establishment from regaining control of City Hall ("Public Safety Unions Deal Blow to Establishment Slate," August 28, 2024). As with previous polls, the latest Pulse poll was sent via text to about 1,000 Santa Monica residents who "previously opted in to receive more information on education efforts surrounding crime and safety in their city." It had a 17 percent response rate. Those who wish to be included in the next poll conducted monthly by the Center for Union Facts, a hotel union watchdog, should email their name and cell phone number to |
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