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Santa Monica Poised to Launch Ad Program in Parking Structures

By Jorge Casuso

December 7, 2023 -- Visitors using Santa Monica's Downtown public parking structures could soon be targeted with an advertising program expected to generate more than $1.2 million for the cash-strapped City over the next five years.

The City Council is poised to give the go-ahead Tuesday to negotiate a contract with BIG Outdoor, which won a bid last December to place as many as 50 kiosks on commercial sidewalks that will generate about $14 million a year for the City.

The latest contract would give BIG Outdoor the rights to sell and display advertising at 57 designated locations in seven Downtown parking structures, with the City getting a percentage of the cut.

"Approximately 3.9 million people park in these downtown structures per year, making the interior surfaces of these structures attractive spaces for advertising," City staff wrote in a report to the Council.

"A turnkey parking structure advertising program would be efficient, cost-effective, and generate significant revenue for the City," staff said.

The new parking structure program will initially place advertisements at five Downtown structures -- 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 -- after Macerich initially declined to place them at Structures 7 and 8 at Santa Monica Place.

Without the City's two largest structure, the program would generate about $3.381 million annually of the next ten years. If Macerich buys in, the revenues would surge to about $5.635 million.

"In addition to generating revenue for the City, the advertising program would enhance the appearance of the parking structures by having several interior advertising spaces maintained by an outside vendor," City staff wrote.

Under the proposed contract, BIG Outdoor "would be responsible for posting advertisements and maintaining them, including graffiti removal and repairs due to vandalism," staff said.

"This would assist the Parking Division’s effort to maintain the appearance of the parking structures and make repairs and enhancements as needed."

This is not the first time the City places advertising in its parking structures.

In 2012, Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. (DTSM) managed an advertising program through Van Wagner Communications, LLC that expired several years ago, according to staff.

Recently, the City -- which was known for its adversity to advertising -- has aggressively embraced commercial propaganda to help recover from the coronavirus shutdown ("Advertising Averse Santa Monica Embraces Digital Kiosks," May 16, 2023).

In 1985, Santa Monica banned any billboards that were not already standing, and 15years ago, when digital billboards were sprouting across Los Angeles, Santa Monica was held up as a model that had refused to sell out to corporate interests.

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