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Candidate Profiles -- Daniel Cody |
October 4, 2010 -- The Lookout Staff submitted questionnaires to the 23 candidates running for seats on the City Council and Board of Education. The candidates were given the same timeframe to answer the questions and were limited to 150 words per answer. During the next several days, the Lookout News will publish the candidates’ answers verbatim. The profiles for the four-year City Council race will be published first, followed by the two-year City Council race and lastly the Board of Education race. They will be appear in alphabetical order based on the candidates’ first names. Name: Daniel Cody How long have you lived in Santa Monica? In what neighborhood
do you live? Why are you running for office and why should residents vote for you? I got energized during the 2008 election. The President’s message of “we are the change we’ve been waiting for” is true. Since then the entire world, including the majority of Santa Monica households, have had to cope with the worst economic reversal in 70 years. The Council, however, has continued to operate as if nothing has changed.According to the current Council, every program is essential and no adjustment to the City’s cost structure is contemplated. Instead, they have decided to raise the sales tax, impose new fees, and have directed staff to look for new and innovative ways to “raise revenues” instead of new and innovative ways to do more with less. I am running because I want to ensure there is a voice for fiscal efficiency on the Council and it is my belief that a majority of Santa Monica residents do as well. Why do you enjoy living in Santa Monica? How would you rate the current City Council? What is the most frequent complaint you hear on the campaign
trail? What do you plan to do about this issue? Should Santa Monica residents be allowed to vote on major development
agreements? Why or why not? Where do you stand on Measure Y, the half-cent sales tax proposal,
and Measure YY, the companion measure that would recommend 50 percent
of the tax revenue go to education? The City needs to get its cost structure in line with today’s reality. However if Measure Y passes I support using half of those funds to support our K-12 schools. Our schools’ funding is subject to the vagaries of Sacramento which as of this writing has yet to adopt a budget for this fiscal year. The additional “local” funding will provide a measure of stability for the District. Solve the traffic problem in Santa Monica in under 150 words.
The US’s taxes on gasoline are among the lowest in the developed world. Where in Europe the tax on gasoline ranges from $2.50 to over $3.00 a gallon, here it is only $0.39. By raising the tax on gasoline to just $1.00 we could fund the necessary investment in mass transit both here in Santa Monica and the entire United States. If you were emperor with absolute authority for a day and could
do one thing for Santa Monica, what would it be? |
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