City to Revisit Remodeling Guidelines By Blair Clarkson Feb. 4 -- In an effort to make the definition of a “substantially remodeled” building more clear for builders and developers, the Planning Commission will conduct a public workshop Wednesday night to hear community input and direct staff on possible changes to the City’s Zoning Ordinance. The commission requested the workshop after community members expressed concern at a November meeting that outlined the specifics of a proposed interpretation of the zoning and remodeling rules for older structures that don’t conform to current restrictions. “The current definition is very broad and needs clarity,” said Acting Planner Manager Amanda Schachter. The commission’s goal is to clarify provisions and provide guidance to builders, she added. The issue is important to both City planners and homeowners alike, as it affects construction practices for residential and commercial development and sets guidelines for setbacks, land use, building height and parking. A “substantial remodel” refers to the removal or relocation of at least 50 percent of the exterior walls of an existing structure, according to the Municipal Code. Once a building is deemed to have been substantially remodeled, it loses any legal, non-conforming status it had and may only be rebuilt if the entire structure conforms to current constraints. Consequently, many property owners and developers try to limit the remodeling of nonconforming structures to retain certain legal rights of the property and avoid extensive -- and expensive -- modifications, such as “additional parking, increased setbacks or reduced density,” according to a staff report. A new “clearer” definition will require such structures to comply with public health, safety and general welfare regulations and promote construction of buildings that improve the quality of life for residents through ample off-street parking, improved landscaping and greater setbacks, according to the report The commission also seeks to preserve the integrity of historically significant buildings, many of which do not meet current restrictions. The public workshop will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. at City Hall. |
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