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Another Toast to John Jalili

By Jorge Casuso

It was more of a toast than a roast, with longtime Santa Monica leaders lining up Monday night to sing the praises of City Manager John Jalili, who is retiring after running the city for 15 years.

Council members and former mayors took turns at the Leaders Club reception recalling a man they looked up to, even if he did in fact work for them. And city officials and a state assembly member all agreed that Jalili has been a great negotiator, facilitator, implementer, mentor and all around good friend.

"The word I use for John is integrity," said Bill Rosendahl, whose shows on Century Cable are the leading forums for Los Angeles area politics. "John has more honesty and integrity than any city manager I've met, and I've met hundreds."

He's a heck of a negotiator, said Police Chief James T. Butts Jr., who recalled how Jalili had talked him into taking a pay cut when he hired him for the job.

Former Mayor Dennis Zane called Jalili a great implementer with a legendary ability to bridge gaps."

"John Jalili has been able to help each of us know we are each equally respected and that each is his boss," said Zane, on of the several dozen council members Jalili has served under. "He breeds a capacity for wisdom. He is the great implementer."

Assistant City Manager Susan McCarthy, who will take over Jalili's post, recalled her boss' ability "to impart wisdom."

"He taught us that you pick your fights, that coaching is better than dictating and when you are making decisions check the worst case scenario and see if you can live with that," McCarthy said. "And to fit in time for exercise and a good meal."

Councilman Michael Feinstein lauded Jalili's ability to work behind the scenes. "John is not shy, but he is not there to emote and draw attention," the councilman said.

Former Mayor Judy Abdo called Jalili a friend she used to share her cinnamon gum with. "He helps (council mebers) be the very best… they can be," Abdo said. "John makes the city council members look good."

State Assembly member Sheila Kuehl put all of the praises into a wider perspective. From her observation, Kuehl joked, half of all city managers are crazy; a quarter are incompetent, and the rest are meglomaniacs.

The meglomaniacs, Kuehl said, "do not respect their city councils. They hide the ball. City council members say to me, 'I didn't know we passed that.'"

Jalili, she said, is a "competent generous teacher, a person who wants everyone to grow. If he succeeds, the city succeeds, and we all know John Jalili is the best city manager in the state."

When all the speeches were made and the audience was seated after an ovation, Jalili , as usual, shunned the spotlight.

"I don't take criticism very well," Jalili said. "Now I know I don't take accolades well at all…. If I am a good negotiator, I have had a lot of workers, citizens, friends and council members. We have had nothing but help."

The city, Jalili said, is fortunate to have "the wisdom and vision of not just elected officials, but the community. This is a very unusual community."

From Abdo, he learned "to have your antennas up and hear what's going on" in the community, Jalili said. From former publisher Herb Chase, he learned the power of the press. Jalili then recalled how a reporter's persistent drilling lead to a headline that had him questioning his predecessor's math ability.

"I have had a lot of fun," Jalili concluded. This is a job, he added, where "you can directly impact people's lives."

As for his successor, Susan McCarthy -- "You will be surprised what she is going to accomplish," Jalili said.

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