Santa Monica
LOOKOUT Letters and Opinions

LETTERS -- Give Me a Brake!

February 10, 2025

Dear Editor,

February 10, 2025 -- Poor Peter DiChellis. Behind the wheel, encased in a ton of sheet metal, he feels threatened by . . . bicycles! (“Enforce Traffic Laws for Bicyclists,” February 6, 2025)

Traffic laws are for the safety of us all. On two wheels, I comply for self-preservation. When I choose to drive, I’m extra careful to keep our streets safe for those not burning fossil fuels and not killing our only planet (unless you plan to move to Elon Musk’s Mars?)

By the way, I’m not some callow kid. I’m in my late 70s, and have been bicycling in Santa Monica since Gerald Ford was President.

So, c’mon, Peter. Take your lead foot off the gas pedal. Give me a brake!

Kevin McKeown
Retired former Mayor

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