The Lookout Letter to the editor |
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Dear Editor, We find ourselves once again, as always, in a combative environment triggered by the supply and demand of the housing equation ("City Extends Eviction Moratorium, Allows Appointed Boards to Meet," December 22, 2020). There is a complete misunderstanding in California of housing resources, and the evidence is clear. The county of LA and the City of Santa Monica keep expanding eviction moratoriums that only deal a blow to the pride and self esteem of tenants by shifting back rent into consumer debt, which of course is uncollectable. But the icing on the cake is charging the housing providers with harassment without evidence or due process. Over the last 40 years there has been a systematic shift in California away from home ownership. Government officials are bringing back feudalism and a slave mentality (government master knows best). This distorted view of property rights has directly affected the way tenants view themselves -- as weak and timid, rioting and complaining to elected officials about their lot in life rather than taking responsibility for themselves, which is what we as nation believe. The next few years in California will see a further destruction of the housing model. What is the end game? It is that individual property should not be owned by citizens but should instead be a community resource owned by the government. Naturally, this does not extend to the elected officials and other intellectual liberals who enjoy their superior position due to their understanding and intelligence. These folks are excluded from being burdened as tenants. Our majority of elected officials use tenants as pawns to destroy homeownership in California and win elections. The conflict between supply and demand in the housing industry is an illusion promoted over the last 40 years. It has become a talking point for tenants who have failed to make owning property the top commitment that I made it in my twenties. God save the new president Joe Biden. Robert Kronovet |
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