The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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Abortion Hysterics and Fascinating

February 8, 2005

Dear Editor

While I agree with Abby about the funding issue, I think the shrill tone of the rest of her screed is yet another example of how self-styled "progressives" dismiss the concerns anyone who disagrees with them. (“Tell Girls the Truth,” February 3, 2005)

My mother had an abortion back in the thirties and she was so racked by this experience that she was nearly in tears when she told me about it thirty years later.

Abortion is not to be taken lightly, and a fetus, regardless of its viability, is a potential human being and not, as some in the pro-choice community would have it, merely a "product of conception."

I believe strongly that abortion should remain safe and legal, but I am equally sure that this cause will not be furthered by the likes of Ms. Arnold.

The hysterics of Abby, and her ilk, did more to reassure the re-election of Bush than all the money the RNC spent on the campaign.

Steve Keats
Santa Monica

February 6, 2005

Dear Editor

What a good story! (“Putting Faces on the Numbers,” January 20, 2005)

I really felt I was there with the counters of the homeless in Santa Monica. Mr. Lukacs put human faces on the numbers and gave us the numbers too, in excellent reporting. Fascinating. Thank you.

Alice Campbell Romano
Board of Directors
IWOSC-Independent Writers of Southern California

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