The LookOut Letters to the Editor
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Significant Mischaracterization

February 19, 2004

Dear Editor,

I am writing to correct what I believe was a significant mischaracterization of the purpose for the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce’s special board meeting held on Wednesday Feb. 18, 2004. (“City to Chamber: Charter Amendment Bad for Santa Monica,” Feb. 19, 2004)

The sole purpose of that meeting was for Mayor Richard Bloom and other city officials to impart information relative to their current budget, financial projections for the future, and to quantify and specify where the monies to the Santa Monica/Malibu Unified School District come from.

In the interest of fairness and balance we had invited the City to make its presentation. There was never any thought of taking a vote on the C.E.P.S. Charter Amendment that day and any implication to the contrary is erroneous.


Dr. Michael E. Gruning.
Chairman of the Board,
Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce
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