LookOut Letters
to the Editor |
September 14, 2000 Dear Editor, What has Santa Monica come to? What kind of people want to save an old mortuary and tear down a child's playhouse? I was born and raised in Santa Monica. My children were born and raised here. And my young grandchildren were born and are now being raised here. When I was growing up, and when my children were growing up, children were welcome here. Playhouses and tree houses were commonplace. Neighbors helped each other. Neighbors did not sneak around and complain to the city. The mayor would
not exert pressure on the planning department to reverse a planning decision
at I think it is about time that the city and its elected officials realize that our most important asset is our children -- not saving old mortuaries and certainly not exerting political influence on behalf of business associates and political cronies. Sincerely, Kathleen Sullivan September 13, 2000 Dear Editor, It is inconceivable that the mayor has such influence and time to waste
on If Dr. Levy had wanted, he could have simply gone to a specialty store that sells tree houses and puchased one - even bigger than that which he built. Tree houses for children are sold and are considered equipment like jungle jimms or slides. Dr Levy went way beyond the normal to accomodate his neighbors and then, because Mayor Genser used his influence, the planning and building dept. caved in, which is even more despicable. This whole thing is ridiculous and should not be happening. Wake up folks - this is what the bureaucracy is doing in Santa Monica. Herb Katz September 13, 2000 Dear Editor, The city of Santa Monica has once again proved itself to be the epitome of a totalitarian system. What ever they say goes. And you can't do anything without them knowing about it. Everyone involved in this matter should be embarrassed and ashamed that it has even come to this. Especially any neighbors who complained. Mind your business! It's not your backyard. It's not your son whose heart is broken. Just get a damn life and quit trying to toy with other people's. Maybe you're jealous that you never had one when you where a kid, or the fact that you can't afford to get one for you own son. A little hint, even if you build a three foot tall fort out of cardboard
in your garage for your kid, they will love you anyway. Or maybe it's
because they don't love you that you have to ruin things for everyone
else. P. Noble |