Living Wage Article Misses Mark; Target Project Hits Bulls Eye
May 15, 2000
Dear Editor,
Your article ("Wage Petition Battle Nears End," May 15) quotes
Mark Mosher saying that SMART's campaign is "definitely the heaviest
funded blocking campaign I've ever seen. We've gone basically toe to toe."
SMART is mostly made up of volunteers. Most of the people on the truth
teams are volunteers, which in case Mr. Mosher doesn't know, work for
principle rather than money.
Mr. Mosher has some big nerve to talk about heavy funding, for he would
not even be active in our city unless he was being paid a large amount
of money. His tactics and those of Progressive Campaigns are heavy handed,
full of lies and misdirection.
Don't be fooled- Mr. Mosher is not a Santa Monican in favor of a living
wage. He is from San Francisco, where his anti-living wage stance is a
matter of public record. Progressive Campaigns
is well-known in Arizona, Oregon, Pasadena, and Thousand Oaks for running
signature- gathering campaigns for big dollars, based on aggressive, menacing
tactics and outlandish lies. They are funded by businesses who say they
cannot afford to pay a living wage, yet can pay up to $7 a signature to
try to exempt themselves.
SMART is made up of citizens of Santa Monica as well as workers and a
few staff members. We are in this cause because we are concerned about
full time workers who cannot even feed their families.
Let's work together to get a wage policy that works for Santa Monica,
rather than hire expensive consultants famous for underhanded tactics
who merely take the money, create divisiveness, and leave town after town
in a mess.
Reverend Sandie Richards
Santa Monica
May 15, 2000
Dear Editor:
Your long article on the issue of the Living Wage, misses some of the
most important facts.
One: Mr.Mosher is a hired hand by the chamber of commerce and his dirty
tactics have not been seen in these parts. I believe that the chamber
needs to look at what they have brought to our community and what kind
of consequences flow from that.
Two: The Goons that are being hired by Mosher are truly irreverent to
people's desire. They follow you around; they misrepresent the petitions
and lie about its purpose. At $7 a signature the push is really on.
Three: This community is supportive of the living wage and wants it to
happen here. I would also say, that the council has behaved responsibly
by doing the survey and hiring a person like Pollin to conduct it. He
is the expert in the field.
Bruria Finkel
Santa Monica
May 11, 2000
Dear Editor,
Yes, this one will get my vote! I am in favor of a Target Store in the
Santa Monica area. This type of store offers such a variety of items that
it is almost like a "ONE-STOP- SHOP". People would not have
to come out as often to shop.
The very same people that are currently shopping, eating and patronizing
the Santa Monica stores are the very same people that will be shopping
at Target, thus no added crowds. Target stores are always constructed
with the ability to accommodate the high volume parking. I see no reason
to block the efforts to bring the store to the Santa Monica area.
I actually live in the city of Inglewood but I spend quite a bit of time
in Santa Monica because I work in Santa Monica 5 days a week from 8:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I also work some Saturdays. I take care of quite a bit
of my business right here in Santa Monica.
Bonita Weeden
May 9, 2000
Dear Editor,
Welcome back (Mitch Chortkoff). You've been missed.
Chris Long