LookOut Letters
to the Editor |
Schools, Airplanes
and Buildings
January 27, 2000 Dear Editor, I'd rather not pit one art form against another, which is what we are However, on a larger picture, we need to reconsider our curriculum guidelines so that they include the arts as part of the core-curriculum. Our own country has done studies to determine why other nations are producing students superior to ours and we refuse to acknowledge the results of those studies. I'd be happy to send to anyone of you documentation of the results. In the meantime, isn't it amazing the results we're seeing from the There are people out there who think our prison system is working Elissa Tognozzi, Ph.D.
Dear Editor: I hope your readers read my letter to you on the subject of the Santa
Monica Airport (SMO), especially our city council members. Next, I hope
they read the piece by Teresa Rochester, dated 1/26/00 for the latest
bungling event. I regret to say that I failed and staff prevailed, even though two of
the three commissioners are supposed to be neighbor-friendly, one a board
member of the "Friends of Sunset Park." They must be star struck
by the power they feel being a commissioner. They have not taken the time
to understand the issues in their proper context or they are easily swayed
by a corruptable staff; a staff that wants to hide the city's mistakes
in mismanaging the airport land. No one, neither commissioner nor staff brought up the recent petition
by 260 Santa Monica residents who pleaded with the City not to lease this
parcel out. These voices go unheard year after year while staff plays
its shell game. Remember, Santa Monica residents are less likely to sue
than the pilots! Habitual lying is common place among staff. The public process was massive and complete; they had to do it right because Judge Hill of the Ninth District Court commanded this! Then by January 31, 1984 a Federal Agreement was born and with it a Master Airport Layout Plan (SMO-1 dated January 31, 1984). I encourage you to pull it out and look at it. Most people, with a bit of study can understand the basic tenants, the major footprints, the "building restriction lines," the "aircraft parking limit lines," the locatins of the 3 FBO's, location of the maintenance building and the, oh yes, limits of the residual land property lines now called "non aviation land" by some stroke of magic. If you happen to read the document, you will notice language that pertains
to noise sensitivity and restrictions on certain activities. If you read
the master study and the EIR, you would have the knowledge and background
on how and why the buildings and operations were studied and resolved
in the manner indicated on SMO-1. Then you would ask the most obvious
question, why spend millions of dollars to re-do a master study? Every subsequent decision at our airport was made from this new SMO-1 Plan without the public being aware. A true story about a lie that multiplied exponentially. And instead of fessing up to it, the city manager retired and left us with a law suit, whereby the small plane pilots have had enough of staff's lies and mismanagement. All they wanted was an FBO and fueling station that they didn't get on the north side. Why they didn't have influence back in the 1986 plan escapes me. Bad vision and leadership, I guess, or they were privi to it and were promised certain things that never happened. All the neighbors wanted was that the City keep its promises and abide
by its settlement. We are now 2nd class citizens in our own city with
the quality of life in and around our homes deteriorating day by day.
More noise than ever before, more pollution than ever before, less open
land to enjoy and more lies to shake our heads at. So what will the outcome be? I am NOT OPTIMISTIC! I'm sorry the LA residents
have also sued. What will we get? Most Federal law suits return to the
original hearing judge. In our case, Judge Hill passed away recently.
How will a new judge know and remember. Don't think for a minute that
our city attorneys will go in pitching the righteousness of the 1984 Agreement
and SMO-1 dated January 31,1984; remember they messed up to begin with. Brian H. Ouzounian January 22, 2000 Dear Editor and School Board members: I am once again writing to urge you not to allow our I have heard, and I would like clarification, that our current fiscal Thank you, Robin Bartlett January 21, 2000 Dear Editor, I urge you to save the orchestra and bands from Santa Monica High School from budget cuts and the slashing of programs. The finest orchestra in the country just returned from a triumphant concert
Please do what you can. Thank you!! Larry Shulman January 17, 2000 Dear Editor, Mayor Genser and members of City Council, As you well know, fine arts programs, in the school district are being dismantled. They have already lost $165,000 in funding for the year 1999-00, and face further cuts in teachers, aids, transportation, facilities, and the position of Fine Arts Coordinator. In addition, over the next five years, the risk of jeopardizing the future of one of the most highly regarded, inclusive programs in the district is absolute. The 52nd annual Stairway to the Stars program has already started to feel the effects and is facing serious repercussions due to the cuts that have already been made. General elementary music disappeared before its implementation in this year's curriculum, after three years of lobbying from parents, teachers and the community, to increase arts programs. Because of the dire need to preserve the arts in our school districts, I appeal to you to designate funds, specific to the funding of the arts, in your school budget. It is obvious that unless restricted funds are appropriated to the continued funding of the arts, the existing programs will rapidly deteriorate as further cuts are made. Furthermore, the community at large has overwhelming expressed their desire to the city, to save the arts in the school district. They have also expressed their desire for you to allocate city dollars that will be restricted to the continued funding of the arts. This request is being made in order to ensure that the district arts program will not be affected every time the district has a shortfall, something that has happened far to often to ignore. The state and the nation acknowledged the necessity to restrict a majority of funds that go to public schools. They are aware of the budget process and how certain programs can slip through the cracks of the "general fund" and so they ensure their existences by restricting their funding. It's that simple. Let¹s keep the politics out of this and just do what we need to do to save the arts in the school district. In this year's budget, set aside restricted funds for the continued funding of the arts. I realize that Council does not like to hold future Councils to funding commitments, but, once in place, I believe that put to the vote, future Councils will support the arts. Sincerely, Donna Block
Dear Editor, The City of SM recently set aside approximately 60 MILLION dollars for If the City used the redevelopment bond money for capitol improvement
projects (sewers, street improvements, etc.) this would "free up"
the general fund money FOR THE SCHOOLS. However, because the SMRR By the way, is there room in our overcrowded schools for the hundreds of more children who will be living in the new low-income units? It not, how will the SMMUSD deal with that problem? So, if you want more money for the schools petition the City Council to reverse themselves. Spend redevelopment revenues for capitol improvements, not hundreds of units of low-income housing, and use the general fund money for the children currently attending Santa Monica schools. Mat Millen |