Meshuggah Means Crazy in Any Language
By Frank Gruber
Last weekend I had a visit from my Uncle Herman from Fort Worth, Texas,
and with the presidential primary coming up there, we talked a lot about
the election.
Between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Uncle Herman is leaning toward
Sen. Obama because he thinks the Illinois senator has the better chance
to win in November, but what Uncle Herman most wanted to talk about
were all his Jewish Texan friends who were telling him that Obama was
bad for Israel and even anti-Semitic, if only by way of association
(with Louis Farrakhan, by way of Sen. Obama's pastor).
Being Jewish I had already seen emails to this effect, and so this
wasn't all news to me. At the time of the California primary these smears,
however, didn't seem to attract much attention, and important Israel
"hawks" like Martin Peretz of the New Republic and Abraham
Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League had published debunkings, trying
to assure Jewish Americans that there were no particular reasons from
a Jewish perspective to oppose Obama.
But these debunkings haven't had much effect, and the emails have snowballed.
And so it came to pass that in the Ohio debate last week Tim Russert
pressed Sen. Obama about the endorsement he received from Mr. Farrakhan.
I won't rehash all that -- the semantics over "denounce"
or "reject" have received enough play. But the whole thing
angered me. It was ridiculous for Sen. Obama and Hillary Clinton to
have to debate the issue not only because they are both "friends
of the Jews" but also because they have both been victims of the
right-wing Jewish smear machine.
Sen. Obama is getting it now, but Sen. Clinton got it in 2000 in her
first campaign for the senate. Remember her scandalous kiss with Suha
Arafat? Or her support for a Palestinian state? (Which, like the anti-fascism
of the Americans who went to Spain to support the Republic in the Spanish
Civil War, must have been "premature," in that now nearly
everyone -- including the government in Israel and the Bush administration
-- supports a two state solution.)
What's the point of all this? Certainly Sen. Clinton is not spreading
these smears against Sen. Obama, however intense their rivalry has become.
The smears are only understandable by looking at the tactics of right-wing
Jewish Americans who have two purposes.
One purpose is to make Jewish Americans, nearly all of whom care about
Israel's survival, accept the views of the right-wing, expansionist
Jews in Israel (both the secular, Likud, variety and the ultra-religious)
as the best means of securing Israel's future.
The other purpose is to increase the Republican vote among Jewish American
because at the moment Republicans, due to their mindlessly indiscriminate
and undiscerning reaction to terrorism and their evangelical Christian
base of support, are closer ideologically to Likud and the religious
right in Israel.
Jewish Americans vote overwhelmingly Democratic, despite their economic
success. I like to think that this is because every year at Passover
we are reminded that "we were strangers in the Land of Egypt."
The views of most Jewish Americans about Israel have always been closer
to the politics of the founding Labor Party than they have been to those
of Likud. Very few American Jews are even Orthodox, let alone ultra-Orthodox,
and the adjective I most often hear applied to the Likudniks and ultra-Orthodox
who continue to establish settlements deep in the Palestinian hinterland
(and far beyond the wall Israel is building to protect itself from terrorists!)
is meshuggah (i.e., crazy).
Note to the Jewish-American right wing: if you think that building
settlements deep in Palestinian territory or in Gaza made Israel more
secure, you are meshuggah, too.
The Jewish tie to the Democratic Party got going with Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, but even Al Smith, running in 1928, is estimated to have
received 72 percent of the Jewish vote. Roosevelt received an estimated
90 percent in 1940 and 1944, a showing that Lyndon Johnson matched in
his landslide victory in 1964.
The Jewish Democratic vote varies somewhat with the overall vote, but
even against the popular Dwight Eisenhower or Ronald Reagan, or Richard
Nixon in 1972 or George Bush in 1988, the Jewish Democratic vote was
never less than 60 percent, with one exception -- Jimmy Carter received
only an estimated 45 percent of the Jewish vote in 1980. (Nonetheless,
in his landslide victory Republican Ronald Reagan received only 39 percent;
John Anderson received 14 percent.)
In the relatively close elections since 1992 the Jewish vote has been
overwhelmingly Democratic -- 80 percent in 1992, 78 percent in 1996,
79 percent in 2000, and 76 percent in 2004. There is no ethnic or racial
group other than African-Americans that is more loyal to the Democratic
Party than Jewish-Americans.
If you know any right-wing Jews, or if you read their writings in the
usual neo-con places, you know that the Jews' loyalty to the Democrats
bothers the right-wingers greatly. They think it is us Jewish Democrats
who are meshuggah -- or at least naive. They have also been
around the American right wing long enough to get used to the tactics
the right has used to defame liberals since the "Who Lost China"
That's why they scream about non-issues, like Hillary Clinton's protocol
kiss of Mrs. Arafat, or anything that Louis Farrakhan does.
The fascination with Farrakhan is telling. Farrakhan has little power;
I would argue that he would be largely unknown outside Nation of Islam
("Black Muslim") circles except for the notoriety he has obtained
from his anti-Semitic remarks. But his anti-Semitism fits a pattern
much more useful to the right wing than that of, say, white evangelicals
or, to make a useful parallel to Black Muslims, the Ku Klux Klan.
Think: how much more power do people like David Duke have among white
evangelicals than Louis Farrakhan has among blacks?
Right-wing Jews agonize over and exacerbate the supposed crisis in
relations between Jews and blacks, even though the pain black anti-Semitism
has caused is a minor footnote to the pain caused by white anti-Semitism,
because right-wingers know that Jewish support for social equality and
civil rights has been a foundation for Jewish liberalism. If they can
attack African-Americans in general -- and leaders such as Barack Obama
-- because of the anti-Semitism of a few blacks, they hope to dislodge
Jewish-Americans from their liberalism, as in "see what you get
for helping those ungrateful blacks."
Looking at the situation more broadly, at a time in the history of
the West, especially in the United States, when anti-Semitism must by
any rational observer be considered at an all time low, right-wing Jews
use the fear of anti-Semitism, just as the right-wing once used the
fear of Communism and now uses the fear of "Islamo-fascist terrorism,"
literally to scare up votes from the fearful.
As a Jew I ask: given that Jews only represent a few percent of the
voters in America, what makes our vote so worth fighting over?
There are two reasons, one tactical, and the other more philosophical.
The tactical reason is that although the number of Jewish voters is
small overall, there are a lot of them in a few "swing" states,
notably Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio. A shift of ten or twenty thousand
Jewish votes in those states can mean the difference between winning
or losing in the Electoral College.
The philosophical reason is that for many Americans, not being anti-Semitic
has become a test of tolerance -- one that's easier to pass than not
being, say, anti-black or anti-immigrant or anti-gay.
A combination of the Holocaust, which exploded from the casual anti-Semitism
that was prevalent among Christians in Germany (and other countries)
before the rise of Hitler, and the fabulous success of poor, immigrant
Jews and their children in America, convinced the vast majority of right-thinking
Americans that whatever anti-Semitism they grew up with was both reprehensible
and irrational.
Among evangelical Christians, you can add a newfound love for Jews
based in part on views about Biblical prophecy.
Thus, a lot of Americans who are not Jewish care about anti-Semitism,
and they look to the Jewish community in America to tell them what anti-Semitism
is and who is anti-Semitic. Tim Russert was not grilling Barack Obama
during the debate last week about Louis Farrakhan because of the Jewish
vote itself, but because Americans in general do not want to vote for
anyone associated with anti-Semitism.
I suggest that the meaning that a charge of anti-Semitism has beyond
the Jewish community makes making such a charge a serious matter, and
Jews have a responsibility not to make such charges cavalierly.
But crying wolf is the essence of right-wing politics and right-wing
Jews are no exception. I suspect we haven't heard the last of it.
When Uncle Herman was here, however, I did predict to him, and I'll
hold to this prediction, that when all is said and done, Barack Obama
will get the highest Jewish vote of any Democrat in decades.
Meeting notice: The Planning Commission has two important items on
its agenda for Wednesday evening's meeting. One is to review recommendations
for proposed land use designations for the Land Use and Circulation
Elements of the general plan. The other is to review and send on to
the City Council the proposed Housing Element of the general plan.
When and where: City Hall, City Council Chambers, Weds., Mar. 5, 7:00