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Lexapro (Escitalopram): Uses, Side Effects, Precautions

If you can take some time off when you start weaning I recommend it — and spend more time sleeping it off if you can. Lexapro has basically made me feel like a zombie and kept me from crying all the time.

Good Luck. On a range of lowest to highest chance of severe withdrawal symptoms, Lexapro sits around the middle. There have been times watch there were issues with insurance and getting my medication and would have to be without for a little while.

Make fact everything listed above except perhaps the sweat. Not good, but it you. And then I started to think--about how all of these products were ways that I used to pick myself up in the morning lexapro throughout the day. Mouthwashes with xylitol dizzy moisten things up, the Mayo Clinic advises. Does also have an odd trance-like feeling when driving that I think may be caused by the same weird feeling when moving around.

I will say that this sucks, but I will keep seeing long through. I am 1 week into no longer taking it. I have decided after reading the posts here that I will not go back to taking it. Is it possible to run away how yourself?

  • Lexapro (Escitalopram): What You Should Know
  • Can lexapro give you dizziness and vertigo as a side effect?
  • How Long Will Dizziness Last After Stopping Lexapro?
  • Lexapro Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities

He asked me if I consumed diuretics caffeine products, wine, chocolate, etc. I said, "yes, all the time. He told me to cut these products out of my diet as much as possible, hydrate my body with water and other good fluids, and that the symptoms should improve.

I have to admit that I was skeptical. What he said made sense, but it sounded too simple. I do get moody right around my menstrual cycle and have gone on a birth control pill to help with the mood swings. This helped dramatically. If it gets to be to much find a counselor or a homeopathy person that can help you with your side effects.

Hang in there! Reply Link alex September 3, , pm Hi All — I wanted to reach out to you and see if any of you have experienced this during your lexapro withdrawal experience. I was prescribed lexapro for anxiety and took it about for two weeks but immediately stopped it because the weight gain and sugar cravings began to give me more anxiety. So I tapered off it very fast, went from 10 mgs one week, to 5 mgs the next then zero the week after that.

It has been 30 days since I have taken my last pill and I have experienced constant bloating in my stomach and gas. Many of clothes do not fit me anymore and it is uncomfortable to the point where I can not be social because it hurts to stand.

There have been many sleepless nights because my stomach is so bloated and then I have anxiety that I will never return to normal. I forgot my meds at home when leaving on a weeklong camping trip, came home afterwards and stayed off of it. My doctor and I are in touch about it weekly, in case I change my mind. Also, my dreams are a lot less vivid: this is good, because it was sometimes hard to tell during the day if I actually experienced something or just dreamed it. Reply Link Sarah September 12, , am I also have that problem with dreams and I dream so much it feels so real.

I was on 20 mg and now I am down to 15mg. Trying to wean off Lexapro slowly. Even though I went back on them after a few days, the twitch remains to this day.

It goes away once I fall asleep. Reply Link Lauren September 18, , am Yes! I actually went for a massage and fell asleep. I woke up because I twitched and startled the massage therapist. Reply Link Crusader August 27, , pm Very helpful article. I was on Lexapro 20mg daily for a few months and decided to wean off of as many prescription drugs as possible, especially since I recently fired my psychiatrist for her incompetence. I tapered off the drug by taking it every other day for 7 to 10 days, then every third day, and soon every fourth day until Rx is gone.

There is no science to this, just made sense to me. I do notice more irritability with my mother, which is pretty bad on a good day. It just sucks. Reply Link ozzie August 25, , am I am withdrawing from 30 mg Lexapro which I took for 13 years. I have a had a very easy withdrawal so far down to 10 mg over the past 2 months.

I am wondering if tapering the last third of the full dose will be harder and would like to hear the experience of others who have successfully withdrawn. For those who posted here about withdrawing quickly — I understand wanting to get the drug out of your body, but it is not healthy and I imagine, set one up to fail. The safest tapering schedule is supposed to be decreasing at the most 5 mg at a time for about 2 weeks for each level.

Lexapro was the second medication I tried at that time. I first tried Effexor for a few months which I did not like and the withdrawal was a horrible experience. But, I know that Effexor is known for being difficult — one of the things I HATED about Effexor when I took it was that exactly 24 hours after taking each dose, I would develop a headache from the withdrawal effects of that single day!!!

The Lexapro worked pretty quickly for me and relieved my anxiety and depression. In the last 5 years, I felt that the Lexapro was impacting my energy and my motivation.

I had also gained a lot of weight since starting the medicine and had some health indicators that I was worried about that could possibly be related to Lexapro. I tried several different antidepressants over the past few years but I either I got depressed or I had intolerable side effects stomach. I wondered if I needed to be on antidepressants and think it makes sense to at least find out. I had no side effects. I did use CBD oil and perhaps that was helpful for the withdrawal process.

A few days ago, I was going to go to 5 mg, but I just impulsively decided not to take the medicine at all for the past 3 nights. This evening, I felt dizzy and a little shaky. So, I took 5 mg, and the CBD oil. I feel better. If I get withdrawal effects, I plan to decrease my tapering even further, ie 2.

If anyone has withdrawn successfully from Lexapro and can share their experience with me — I would greatly appreciate it. Reply Link Angela September 4, , am Hello. Thank you for posting. I tried taking 5mg every other day then every few days and I had withdrawal. But cutting down to the 2. I definitely need to taper. When I had withdrawal I felt a weird sensation across my forehead like I was going to pass out.

Hope that was helpful. Good luck! At least in my experience, the first week completely Lexapro free will be tough, but I hope if you take care of yourself you will come through to the other side smiling. Reply Link Jeannie August 24, , am I have been on lexapro for about 5 years at 20mg. I started taking them after a bad reaction to celexa. There have been times that there were issues with insurance and getting my medication and would have to be without for a little while.

It was terrible!! I hate being on the medication for a few reasons. I hate that my sex life sucks, I hate the fact that I never cry, and biggest one is that I recently found out that I AM NOT bipolar, it was a misdiagnosis for Hashimotos and hypothyroid.

Well I tried tapering, that went so well that in 1 week I was back on the full dose. So I am trying again. I am completely off of them for 2 weeks now. The side effects are unreal. I have weird brain shock feelings, anger, anxiety, and just cry over anything!

Is it possible to run away from yourself? I would love that right now. Hang in there everyone! This to shall pass. Reply Link Smith August 23, , pm This all checks out. I was on 20mg for just a little under a year. I stopped cold turkey 10 days ago. In fact everything listed above except perhaps the sweat. After the first week it seemed a little less of the symptoms every day.

Not good, but it helped. Actually I recommend stay away from coffee, I could feel the part of my head top left rear that would be kind of lightheaded feeling when throwing down a lot of coffee. I went after co-workers, hailed a few drivers their fault not mine, I normally blow that stuff off. Watch out especially for the suicidal feeling, it was definitely more intense.

If you can take some time off when you start weaning I recommend it — and spend more time sleeping it off if you can. Yes Melatonin helped. Reply Link Drew August 21, , pm Wow. I was on Lexapro 10mg for 8 months. I tapered down to 5 mg for 2 weeks then zippo. I feel a little dizzy, but I constantly feel tempted to flip off all my coworkers and tell them precisely how I feel about them.

Reply Link Katie August 19, , pm Has anyone had trouble with withdrawal going from 20 mg to 10? Lexapro is making my blood sugar too low. I am diabetic. Does anyone have an easy time doing the weaning? When I tried going off cold turkey, it was awful, and I had my first panic attack. Tapering is only a tiny fraction as bad. I took 5mg for 7 months before the side effects were so awful and increasing the longer I took the drug including an increase in suicidal thoughts.

I reduced to 2. Withdrawal is horrendous: extreme dizziness, nausea, constant headache, hallucinations, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, out of body experiences, suicidal thoughts. Thank you everyone who has taken the time to write.

I took 5 mgs for about 42 days and had a pretty bad start up but kept on wish I would have quite after 6 days. Well, after listening to everyone saying give it time, I stayed on.

I either had to go up or off so now that I am educated more on this, it was off. I lost 7lbs, had brain fog, bad insomnia to start up for days, developed tinnitus, and my anxiety just increased to daytime as well I was having nocturnal anxiety when I started the meds. About Lexapro Escitalopram Lexapro escitalopram is a prescription medication used to treat depression and anxiety.

It belongs to a class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs. In the UK, escitalopram is sold under the name brand name cipralex. Causes of Lexapro Withdrawal Symptoms Antidepressants are among the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States. Of the more than 40 million people who take them in a given month, about one-quarter have been taking them for more than 10 years.

Often, long-term use is linked to fear of relapse of their symptoms or withdrawal.

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